Saturday, July 19, 2008

All About Acupuncture

Whether you are truly interested in the Chinese culture and the acupuncture therapy is just one more facet of why the Chinese culture can be beneficial to us in the West, or whether you truly want to learn how to perform the art of acupuncture, there is plenty to learn about this therapy that has been claimed to save lives through the medication process that it involved. The first thing that one has to realize about this acupuncture therapy, though, is not only how it got its start in the United States and in the Chinese culture, but also the many benefits and uses that acupuncture can have on the many diseases that are prevalent all over the world.

Why Was Acupuncture Started?

Even though there is no definite answer on the question, there are definitely many theories as to why acupuncture was started in the Chinese culture. In fact, acupuncture was started so long ago in ancient Chinese civilization that there are some who claim that the therapy has simply been handed down from generation to generation in an attempt to give the Chinese culture a great contribution to the cures that can have a profound effect on all of mankind.

Acupuncture Treatment | Acupuncture Therapist | Acupuncture Center | Cosmetic Acupuncture | Acupuncture for Depression | Acupuncture for Weight Loss

How does Acupuncture Work?

There are many ways in which acupuncture can work on the body, but there is generally only one theory that comes from the Chinese culture that will be able to give a glimpse into how the therapy is successful. First, there are points on the body- called acupoints- that are also commonly called pressure points by those in Western society. Whatever these points are called, though, the Chinese civilizations believed that these points were the ones responsible for giving them all the pain that they feel day in and day out. The theory has to be a little bit right at least, though, most likely because when acupuncture is performed on these acupoints throughout the body what happens most of the time is that the symptoms of the disease or ailment that one is trying to cure really does clear up quickly.

Even though there have been plenty of people in the Chinese Culture who try to convince those in America that acupuncture is the only way to go in treating all sorts of illnesses and diseases, there are plenty of people in the United States' medical field who not only disbelieve that acupuncture works by calling on the theory of the placebo effect, but also continue to do nothing about further research into the issue. However, there have been plenty of independent studies along the way that continue to show how beneficial the therapy of acupuncture can be in everyone's life.

In order to make acupuncture popular in the United States, though, there definitely has to be more that's done rather than simply research into the issue. More professionals in the medical field need to stand up for what they know truly works in the acupuncture theory, and these are the people that need to introduce and teach acupuncture in medical settings all across the country. By many people's feelings, this is the only way that acupuncture truly will flourish inside the United States. But once this happens, more people will be willing and ready to learn as well as to use the acupuncture therapy in his or her own life!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How Acupuncture Can Change You

The "Chi" is what acupuncture is all about. Okay, so there is more to acupuncture therapy than simply muttering the word "Chi," but the concept of it does have a great deal, if not all to do, with the therapy of the acupuncture way. Ancient Chinese cultures did believe that the "Chi" was found in the body to be the sole energy source in the body, and there were also different energy paths and lines that ran across this "Chi." Anytime anyone experiences pain it is usually believed that the "Chi" is responsible. By placing plenty of needles along the most precious spots along the paths to the "Chi," many people in Chinese cultures believe that acupuncture can truly change the body's perception and response to what is going on inside it and around it.

The Acupuncture Way of Life

One way that acupuncture is supposed to change you, though, if you truly believe in the therapy, is that your whole life will change instantly. Instead of acupuncture being only a form of therapy that you treat yourself to whenever your sick, many people and Chinese professionals in the art and therapy of acupuncture believe that it should truly change your way of life. Instead of looking upon acupuncture as simply a treatment remedy, the whole idea of the therapy should change your life in the way that you go about your job, attend to your family, and even drive down the highway. Just as yoga is meant to teach patience and meditation, so too is acupuncture also believed to instill the practice of relaxation in the body. However, this relaxation technique does need fostering and there are many people who continue to relax themselves everyday, long after they receive acupuncture treatments.

Belief Can Change Everything

There are still others throughout the acupuncture culture who contend that one must actually believe in the therapy for it to start to take effect. Even though this aspect of believing in the art of acupuncture does go along with your way of life, believing in the therapy is certainly the building blocks for letting your trust in the therapy take over. There are many people who already believe ideas about themselves and the world without actually seeing them. Take into consideration that God exists, Heaven and Hell are real, and the Bible or other book of faith is absolute truth. All of these things are rarely able to be seen, but they are still believed. On the other hand, there are still some people who see the positive effects of acupuncture, yet they still do not believe in the therapy. Belief in the system of acupuncture has a great deal to do with whether or not it will work for you!

All in all, though, there are many opponents as well as defenders of the great art and therapy of acupuncture. Many people are on one side of the fence insisting that acupuncture is fake, while those on the opposite side of the fence insist on that the ancient Chinese knew what they were doing when they founded the idea and treatment of acupuncture. In the end, though, it all comes down to personal belief and whether or not one has enough faith in the system to let him or her truly experience the benefit of acupuncture. But while trying to decide whether or not the whole therapy is real, though, just remember that thousands of people have already been cured by the system, and one should try it out before rejecting the whole idea!