Acupuncture Versus Western Medicine
When one thinks of acupuncture, what are some of the images that typically come to mind? Instantly, though, a picture of a black kettle pot with a bunch of concoctions and needles should come to mind. On the other hand, acupuncture therapy does not have to concoct such awful images in one's head. However, if you have ever thought about the possibility that acupuncture may be able to replace Western medicine you are sorely mistaken. On the other hand, there are some important distinctions between the two fundamental ideas of medicine, and in this article the idea of acupuncture will go head to head in an effort to compete against Western medicine.
Science Versus Intuition
The basic idea behind Western medicine is the knowledge and science behind every treatment that we can see. Acupuncture, though, is not considered one of those treatments. Consider for a moment all the monumental effects that taking one prescription medication can have on the body. Many advocates of Western medicine continue to say that the United States has the best idea of medicine throughout all the world, but is it really true? Even though the affects of prescription drugs are so great on the body and mind, do we truly know everything that the treatment does to individuals, or is there a whole laundry list of side effects that could go wrong?
On the other hand, acupuncture medicine is mostly based on and rooted in the fact that many thousands and millions of Chinese individuals have been able to quickly, easily, and efficiently beat out the diseases and disorder that were experienced. Instead of relying on solid facts and science to prove that this alternative medicine approach works, intuition and feeling is relied heavily upon in order for the whole process of acupuncture to take root and verify itself to the patient.
The Benefits of Both
Even though there are great benefits to both the acupuncture method and treatments of Western medicine, one thing that we should consider is the downfalls of both approaches since there are probably less of them to consider. For Western medicine, though, an idea right off the bat that is undesirable is the fact that many patients and individuals get used to the medicine that they're given. They're bodies get used to it and they are left desensitized to being treated. In addition, many people have to take prescription medications their whole lives in order to keep some disorders at bay, such as Depression.
On the other hand, there are very little downsides to using acupuncture therapy except for the fact that no one is certain 100% of the time that the alternative therapy will work. Even though the same holds true for Western medicine, acupuncture should be more accurate in its treatments.
When one considers everything related to Western medicine, though, as opposed to acupuncture therapy, then chances are that he or she will truly see the benefit to using acupuncture. Acupuncture is a great alternative therapy that should never be turned down!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Acupuncture Study
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Alternative Therapies
Alternative Therapies: Acupuncture Versus Aromatherapy
When dealing with age-old therapies one of the best things to do is to always keep your guard up. Even though you may think that you've heard quite a lot about the benefits of acupuncture and aromatherapy, chances are that you have never experienced the benefits personally. However, another good thing to do would be to actually experience the effects personally, however positive or negative, if you are constantly wondering whether these therapy methods will actually work.
Acupuncture is a totally different therapy from aromatherapy, however, both of these forms of treatments evolved a very long time ago. Acupuncture evolved from the Chinese culture, but aromatherapy evolved from thousands of years ago in ancient civilizations.
How Each Therapy Differs
When discussing acupuncture and aromatherapy it is first best to differentiate between the two therapies. Even though the sounds of the name seem to give off what the therapies are all about, you just may be surprised at the many people who mistake one of those therapies for the other. Perhaps the reason that both of them originated so long ago is the reason that many people get them confused.
But nevertheless, acupuncture deals with long and thin needles that are inserted into the skin at certain pressure points in the body. You may have seen pictures or movies where there have been people laying on hospital beds or another kind of surface with long needles sticking out of their backs or stomachs. The Chinese believed that doing this would ward off any and all sicknesses that eventually came your way. Additionally, thousands of testimonials can be read and listened to about the benefits of performing this therapy.
On the other hand, aromatherapy is very much different from acupuncture. Whereas acupuncture deals with sticking needles into your skin, aromatherapy deals with inhaling oils or applying some kind of oils to your skin. There are several methods to getting the oils into your body, but the oils are said to help your health in virtually every way possible.
Which Has More Benefits
The ancient civilizations from long ago all believed that each of these alternative therapies had their benefits. However, the Chinese believed that Acupuncture was the best therapy technique, and those in other parts of the world believed that aromatherapy was the cure to all that ails you. It is undisputable, however, that each of these therapies, acupuncture and aromatherapy, both of cured many thousands of peoples since their evolution. No scientist or researcher knows the exact reason why, and that is a little troubling considering that these techniques have been around since the beginning of time.
All in all, though, each of these techniques seem to have their own benefits in their own right. Acupuncture is a very excellent technique that was used by the Chinese, and many other people decided to start using it. However, the same goes for the aromatherapy cures and techniques. It really just comes down to personal preference, though, and finding the right therapy that works for you!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Acupuncture Depression
Treating Depression with Acupuncture
Many different illnesses are able to be treated using the procedure of acupuncture and one of those illnesses that is able to be easily treated is Depression. Even though Depression is a mental illness and not a physical ailment, the whole process of acupuncture is able to cure almost any mental disorder that the Chinese used back in ancient civilizations to cure.
There is no doubt, also, that ancient Chinese individuals and society did suffer from the horrible affects that some people call Depression. Of course, Depression has lots of other names and there are actually many other mental illnesses that should be able to be treated with acupuncture. Aside from Depression, though, many types of anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, along with a whole plethora of other mental illnesses, need to be treated with this revolutionary medicine that has been available in China for the past thousand of years but has just been introduced to the United States in recent decades.
One important issue, thought, that's important to note when trying to treat Depression or any other mental illness with acupuncture, is the fact that those who undergo the process should have some remote belief that they will be cured. For example, if a person has claimed that they have literally tried everything to overcome their Depression in their life and they don't believe anything else will help them then chances are that they won't benefit very much from acupuncture. On the other hand, there are also plenty of people who would more than likely be ready and willing to put their trust in a medicine form that was their last hope to heal their body and mind.
If one is going to use acupuncture in order to treat Depression, though, another good issue to realize is just how acupuncture works on the body in order to heal the mind from its ailments. After all, Depression is not just simply a physical ailment at times but many times it can take over one's whole mind.
In the acupuncture therapy it is believed that the same positive effects that are felt throughout the body are also felt within the mind. Indeed, though, this mindset has worked for many people when treating their Depression and other mental illnesses. Just because negative feelings are left in the mind doesn't mean that the needles associated with acupuncture is not able to help them.
Furthermore, there have been plenty of individuals all over the world besides China and the Far East countries that have had success with acupuncture therapy. For starters, many people here in the United States have had success with this age-old technique, however, they may be fearful to speak up just because of what others may think. If you have had acupuncture performed on you, though, then you probably already know the positive effects it can have. If you have been suffering from Depression, though, the best thing to do would be to not only seek out an acupuncture therapist, but to witness to other people about the benefits of acupuncture once it has been established that you have truly been healed!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Alternative Medicines
Acupuncture: Questions & Answers
Whether you are new to finding out about acupuncture or you are a professional in the field, chances are that you've always loved to learn about new therapies and training techniques. In the American society, acupuncture is one therapy that has recently been introduced and has been made more popular by a whole lot of people. On the other hand, the Chinese civilizations have long known about acupuncture and its effectiveness on the body. This is just the tip of the iceberg, though, and there is plenty more to learn about the age-old therapy of acupuncture.
Question 1: Will Acupuncture Work for Any and All Ailments?
Answer 1: There are many people who believe that Acupuncture will work for any and all ailments, but there are probably some diseases and ailments that just simply are not cured by acupuncture. For starters, little research has been done to see whether or not the acupuncture therapy will work for those who are suffering from HIV and AIDS. Other than those two diseases, though, there are probably hundreds of other common ailments that aren't cured by the age-old technique, too. In addition, it's not possible that every single disease and ailment could be studied by the therapy of acupuncture, so there are just some cases and diseases that are not known whether or not acupuncture is successful!
Question 2: Will Acupuncture Prevent any Illnesses?
Answer 2: The Chinese believe that the pressure points along the body are the ones that are responsible for most of the bodily pain that we feel. In believing this, though, the theory would also have to go by the fact that by practicing acupuncture then there are naturally going to be some illnesses that are automatically avoided? Of course, avoiding these types of illnesses usually requires strict adherence and practice of acupuncture almost daily, if not just regularly in an attempt to foster preventive care within the body.
Question 3: Why Did Acupuncture Originate?
There are many theories as to the reason of when acupuncture originated and how it came to be in the United States, among many other countries, but not many discussions shed light on the matter of why this therapy came to be. Most likely, however, the absence of any types of medications in the ancient Chinese civilizations brought about a yearning for a medical therapy that would work for almost any disease, illness, or ailment that humans felt. Even though this therapy is not scientifically based, there is still much to be learned from the therapy that Chinese cultures have relied heavily upon for so many years.
These are just some of the questions and mysteries surrounding the practice of acupuncture. There are plenty of acupuncture professional therapists around the world, especially in the Chinese culture, which will also help answer any other questions that one may have. In the end, though, it comes down to the real benefit of acupuncture which should lead people to their trust in this therapy that has come all the way around the world!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Acupuncture Medicine
Drug Info - An Alternative to Prescription Drugs: Acupuncture
There are thousands of individuals who are inflicted with physical and mental ailments and many people are diagnosed with these problems every year. What is troubling, though, is the fact that many times these patients are simply given prescription medications to treat the symptoms that they have as though prescription drugs are the miracle workers of society prancing around giving help to anyone who needs it. However, one method that many people don't give weight to is acupuncture.
There are many reasons that even the mention of the alternative therapy of acupuncture may make heads turn, but it seems as though Western society is becoming too dependent as a whole on prescription medications. Everything from Zoloft to Xanax is given to patients in order to treat everything from Major Depression to common viral infections.
However, there needs to be more studies done about the effectiveness of the therapy of acupuncture and how it would eventually be able to help, if not replace, prescription drugs altogether. Just about 10 years ago, though, in 1998, the University of Arizona completed a double-blind study about the effectiveness of acupuncture.
In this study, patients who were suffering from Depression were treated with acupuncture while the other group was subjected to bouts of psychotherapy and prescription medication. In the end of the study by the university, they found that the patients who were inflicted with Depression had most of their symptoms relieved by the therapy of acupuncture. There have been other private studies done since then, however, none large enough that really attracted any authorities in the medical field. But still, the fact that the research at the University of Arizona pointed in the favor of acupuncture, it begs the question of why nothing has been done about it.
Since it has been shown that acupuncture can successfully treat Depression symptoms then there must definitely be more fund money and research that sheds light on the fact and reaches the conclusion that America and Western society must incorporate the therapy of acupuncture more wholly into the treatment of different ailments.
One of the problems with replacing prescription drugs with acupuncture, though, is the fact that prescription drugs are scientifically based. Whereas the effects of prescription drugs can clearly be seen by monitoring the pictures in patient's brain, acupuncture can not be readily studied, therefore, the physiological affects of such a therapy is not readily embraced. But why does Western society and America in general have a fear of the unknown? Perhaps the reason lies that many people consider their wealth to lie in the information and knowledge that they know.
All in all, though, acupuncture has already been proven to be effective by the thousands of people living in America and Western society who care to learn more about the therapy. It is now time to infiltrate the medical field and bombard all the researchers and physicians with accurate pictures of just how it works, and how it can be an effective way to get rid of the need for prescription drugs!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Physical Therapy Jobs
Acupuncture Therapists: The Transportable Career
Whether you are setting out to be a doctor or a nurse or perhaps a medical assistant, there are all sorts of different paths that one can take once they have decided to go down the medicine path. For example, instead of becoming simply a nurse one can turn the sharp and distinct corner to attend medical school in order to be certified as a Medical Doctor. On the other hand, the reverse is true and a person could go in the opposite direction. However, acupuncture therapy is another subfield of the medical arena and there are many degree programs that specialize in treating patients with acupuncture as an alternative therapy.
If one sets out to become an acupuncturist, though, the one benefit that one has in becoming this sort of therapist is that he or she is able to transfer his or her career any place that he or she goes. For example, assume that a female student went to a college and was able to get certified in becoming a practitioner of acupuncture therapy. After she graduates from the college and receives her certificate then she is able to take that certificate anywhere that she moves to.
On the other hand, a Medical Doctor, psychologist, and other professionals in the medical field will have to re-certify him or herself in whichever state that he moves to. This is the main benefit of becoming an acupuncture therapist and there is great value to having a transportable career!
Perhaps another benefit, though, of becoming an acupuncture therapist is the great deal of money and rewards that are earned in this profession. For example, since acupuncture therapy is not trained in all the schools across America then there is a greater chance that you could be hired in at the university level teaching how to perform acupuncture therapy to students. Everyone knows that a professor's teaching position pays pretty well, and if you intend to teach at a college then you are setting yourself up for a financially-secure job.
The other money that can be made in the acupuncture therapy world, though, is from the patients. If one has his or her certificate in practicing acupuncture therapy then patients will naturally pay a great deal of money to be able to be healed from all their ailments. In addition, many people who like the thought of acupuncture therapy tend to schedule their monthly sessions in advance, which means that the money and payments would continue to flow in your direction!
All in all, acupuncture therapists are just now starting to flourish in the United States. There are all sorts of possibilities when practicing inside the United States, but one is also able to go out of state in order to have the career that is desired. All things considered, though, a dream job and salary can definitely be obtained in the United States by simply becoming an acupuncture therapist! Becoming this type of a therapist will not only help you, but the thousands of people who come your way!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Acupuncture Schools
Are Online Acupuncture Courses Legitimate?
In the ever-increasing world of technology that the United States has come to know and love, many people are taking to the world of the internet in order to learn more information and get their college education. In fact, there are also plenty of programs and organizations that will help you earn your high school diploma online, Bachelor's degree online, Doctorate online, as well as whole host of other certification programs that are too many to name here. One such program, though, is a program that allows individuals to be able to take acupuncture courses online and get certified for it. Even in the information and knowledge age one is able to take and complete a course on alternative therapies and be a certified trainer or practitioner.
However, there are a couple things that are definitely wrong with being able to take a course on acupuncture completely online. The first question that many people think of when hearing about such programs that teach the lessons of acupuncture is: are they legit? This is a very good question, especially because there are already 'phony' and illegitimate educational programs that can be found online that teach all sorts of things that allow for certification at the end.
Can Acupuncture Be Taught Entirely Online?
Perhaps the even better question behind the one that was stated above is: can acupuncture be taught completely online? There are many people who suggest that this therapy cannot be, and here is the reason why. Since acupuncture is a therapy that requires the physical knowledge of how to perform the therapy in itself, it is actually not possible that acupuncture is able to be taught completely online. The main reason for this is that the students of acupuncture therapy actually need to practice and perform the therapy and live patients, mannequins, or at least have a physical learning lesson in the age-old art.
Nevertheless, though, there are educational programs that claim to teach the whole therapy of acupuncture with no problem at all. Even though there may be such programs that can do this, some people involved with acupuncture don't give much weight to the whole process of learning the therapy completely online.
Since it is established, therefore, that acupuncture cannot be taught entirely on the internet, where would one go in order to learn the therapy of acupuncture? In fact, however, there are plenty of acupuncture schools that are located around the United States, that teach plenty of courses in the acupuncture therapy. Of course, if one really wants to delve into the history and culture of acupuncture therapy then the better thing to do would be to actually attend a school in a Chinese culture where the whole therapy and learning process could be absorbed by the student.
Altogether, though, acupuncture is an awesome therapy that has plenty of potential if students and those interested truly take the time to learn. Instead of learning online, though, the best thing to do would be to find a physical school and educational course that truly teaches acupuncture inside and out.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Health Therapist
Finding Pain Relief Through Acupuncture
Even though there are plenty of ways to treat various ailments in the body, one of the ways that the ancient Chinese believed would benefit everyone is the technique of acupuncture. There are plenty of reasons to believe that acupuncture works, though, and one of the proven ways that acupuncture works is through active pain relief. The reason that the word 'active' was put before the phrase 'pain relief' is because there are many people who continually experience pain throughout most of their lives.
The active pain that they feel within their bodies usually never stops; however painful these bodily ailments can be, though, many people besides the Chinese have found that acupuncture has worked for them. Indeed, acupuncture has been transported to the United States, and it is a very excellent therapy to get involved with.
One of the reasons that people inside the United States and outside feel that acupuncture is a great therapy to deal with pain relief is that there has been so much work done in the Chinese culture as well as in the United States' culture. For starters, many people with ailing arthritis parts of the body have found that there problems instantly cure and clear up when they have been exposed to acupuncture in one way or another.
Furthermore, there are all sorts of people that contend that they ward off chronic pain and any other pain sources they feel through the constant and daily routine and use of acupuncture therapy. Indeed, just as there are massage therapists who can make pain go away through the twisting, pulling, and pushing of the body in its purest form, there are many people that believe that acupuncture has always been the way to cure chronic pain in the body.
Can chronic pain relief be met with the successful treatment of acupuncture, though? Even though there is much evidence that shows that it can be, there are still plenty of people who find that acupuncture therapy just does not work for them. Perhaps an important component of the acupuncture therapy, though, is the belief that this ancient therapy truly does work. This is not to say, however, that the placebo effect is in play in the people who find that acupuncture truly cures their illnesses. On the other hand, ancient Chinese civilizations have always felt that not believing in a certain way of doing something, such as medicine, would indicate that the medicine method would not necessarily be effective for that person.
There have been plenty of studies, however, that show that the Chinese cultures are right in saying that acupuncture does truly work. For starters, the University of Arizona conducted a study just ten years ago that showed how depressed people could get rid of the pain that they felt through using acupuncture therapy. Other than that study, though, there have also been individual and private studies done throughout unofficial research centers that have data to the contrary of anyone who contends that acupuncture is a hoax.
All things considered, though, in order to truly know whether or not acupuncture works for pain relief, though, one must try the therapy for him or herself in order to truly know what works. After all, acupuncture is a physical therapy and the only good way to know is to subject yourself to the treatment first!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Therapy School
Therapy School - Looking for an Acupuncture Training Program
Whether you are strictly looking for an acupuncture training program or you are looking for a medical program in general that teaches alternative therapies, acupuncture therapy is a great way to start out learning some of the ancient Chinese techniques. What one may be surprised to find out, though, is that there is a very small amount of schools that are officially credited with the acupuncture technique and training of the therapy. In fact, just over 50 accredited schools exist in the United States alone. These are the main schools that you would have to go to in order to receive a certificate in order to authenticate yourself in the training of acupuncture.On the other hand, there are thousands of Chinese people inside the United States that already have the wealth of knowledge associated with how to perform the therapy of acupuncture and there are some of these same people who will be able to point you in the right direction of where to go in order to receive some formal education from a certified Chinese doctor that also practices acupuncture.
First things are first, though, and one should ask family and friends if they know of any certifiable acupuncture medical programs throughout the country in which a person is able to quickly and easily get certified in the practice of acupuncture. After one is certified in the practice of acupuncture then it is definitely true that a whole new world opens up. Just as there are hundreds of acupuncture therapists who choose to work in alternative therapy settings, there are also an equal number of individuals who decide to go into business for themselves after they are certified.
Nevertheless, it is crucial that one has to find a certified and accredited course in order to be able to legitimately and appropriately practice the art and therapy of acupuncture on various patients throughout the country. The main reason for the accreditation, though, even if you don't need it, is so that potential patients will be able to see and trust that you are the real thing and have had the required training that is needed in order to be a professional acupuncture therapists in the United States.
If family and friends are unable to help with the search to find an acupuncturist, though, another choice that is always open is to call various academic settings and ask if they know whether or not an acupuncture program exists at the school. With all the new information age that is certainly valuable in today's century then there is certain to be appropriate acupuncture training programs all over the United States. As mentioned, though, there are only just over fifty programs in the whole of the United States that are actually able to certify students in the training and administration of acupuncture. In other words, one might have to travel a lengthy distance in order to receive the required education.
No matter which training program that one chooses, though, the fact of the matter is that there will always be more people in the United States who are being attracted to acupuncture each year. Even though there are many reasons for this, Western society and medicine is finally coming to the realization that teaching acupuncture therapy has just as much value as actually practicing it!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Acupunture - Acupuncture, Real or Myth ?
There are hundreds of thousands of individuals within the United States and elsewhere who have seemed to embrace the idea and practice of acupuncture as something that is real and can be used to treat a wide variety of issues. On the other hand there are hundreds of thousands of other people who are on the exact opposite of the fence. Some people believe the idea of acupuncture is a myth, while others know to the core of their being that acupuncture therapy is real, not imagined.Whatever the case in your belief system, though, chances are that you have at least heard of the acupuncture myth controversy that some people have started in the United States and throughout the world.
Why Acupuncture is Considered a Myth
Many people consider acupuncture to be a myth because there are already so many myths in the Chinese culture that have not yet been debunked. Further to that, many people logically process the thought that just because the Chinese considered the acupuncture therapy to be real thousands of years ago does not mean that the traditions were carried on and the affects were real.
For many, the idea of acupuncture leads to imagery of ancient Chinese people concocting special recipes that only serve as to buffer the whole myth of acupuncture therapy. Some people say that these people simply don't know what they're talking about. Acupuncture professionals in the Chinese culture have rejected those who say that acupuncture therapy is a total myth.
Why Acupuncture is Considered Very Real
As mentioned, by professional and authoritative Chinese experts in Asia as well as other countries throughout the world reject the idea that the whole concept of acupuncture therapy could be a myth. What is the reason that they reject that notion, though? The main reason, and perhaps the most important reason, too, is the fact that these acupuncture experts have actually experienced the healing properties of the process of acupuncture. For these people, they are confident by the fact that they are able to heal through this very delicate process and are confused as to why anybody would doubt the whole miracle!
Any Middle Ground ?
We have heard arguments for the myth side of acupuncture and we have also heard arguments for the reasoning behind believing in acupuncture, but is there any middle ground to the issue? Is it possible that there could be some myths associated with the medicine techniques, but most of the acupuncture therapy is actually a real thing? On the contrary, though, there can hardly be any middle ground to something or some idea that is either false or true.
Many acupuncture defenders contend that their way of healing is the absolute right way and they also say that if one is to be too skeptical about the whole issue then the best thing to do would be to try it out for themselves! Indeed, personal experience is what is most important, and the issue of acupuncture certainly warrants the experience!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Infertility Treatment
Infertility Treatment - Does Acupuncture Help Infertility ?
Even though there is truly a laundry list of ailments that the ancient Chinese civilization believed that acupuncture could cure, many people contend that this therapy will not work for everything even though that is what the Chinese cultures used it to do. Infertility is a definite and real issue that many people question whether or not acupuncture will work for.Many people who are troubled by their infertility problems have most likely already tried numerous other alternative therapies and tricks, so there is mainly nothing else to lose. There are many ancient Chinese civilizations and individuals who believed that acupuncture worked for infertility because of the ways that they practiced it. If you are thinking about having a session for your infertility troubles, here are some issues related to infertility that one should think about before getting the treatment done:
Low Sperm Count and Bad Eggs
When one thinks of infertility problems what mainly comes to mind is women who are unable to carry children or impregnate for some reason or another. Even though there are plenty of women with these problems, men also suffer from infertility problems and one area that they suffer from is low sperm count. It is very possible that a man is not able to have children, or very unlikely anyway, because of his low sperm count that Mother Nature dealt him. However, acupuncture is able to cure this through very long needles being pinned throughout the body.
Females are also encouraged to undergo acupuncture because of bad egg problems that they may encounter. There may be unexplained problems with the eggs that they do have, but acupuncture will also cure these eggs. Many times, however, acupuncture requires laying naked on a bed designed for acupuncture, and this is one of the times that it would require doing so. However, acupuncture therapists know how to properly treat infertility and many people have already been cured of the problem.
Ovulation Gone Awry
Another reason that females may have to worry about infertility problems is because one reason or another their ovulation system has gone awry. Even though these problems are horrible and devastating to deal with, many people have already tried the age-old technique of acupuncture to deal successfully with this problem. There are hundreds of professional acupuncturists that are ready to deal with this type of infertility problem.
As far as the actual treating of infertility with acupuncture goes, there are actually several ways that one can go about getting treatments. In other words, there are actually several kinds of acupuncture needles that can be chosen to work the problem. For instance, electrical needles can be used, along with herbal remedies that can be combined to help infertility problems.
All in all, though, it simply depends on the decision of the individual and what he or she wants to do about his or her infertility problems. The issue of infertility can be quite embarrassing for many individuals, but successfully treating these problems with acupuncture is definitely the way to go!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
And Acupuncture
And Acupuncture - Treating Animals with Acupuncture
It has long been known that acupuncture is a great way to treat many disorders and diseases with the alternative therapy that's called acupuncture. There are a great many benefits to the therapy and it is practiced literally all over the world. Even though there are many questions that need to be raised as to how the whole process works, many people are just fine and satisfied with the fact that they don't need empirical data in order to see that acupuncture truly works.But one issue that you may not have thought of before is whether or not animals are able to be subject to the same alternative therapy of acupuncture as humans are. This is naturally a delicate issue that many people don't take lightly, but when it comes to pets living in homes there are also many people who are concerned about the health of their animals. Here is some food for thought when trying to decide if animal acupuncture is the best thing for your pet:
Does Acupuncture Work on Pets?
Just as there are those who say that acupuncture is not a therapy and doesn't work on humans, the same people are the ones who usually state that acupuncture doesn’t work on pets, either. On the other hand, there are some people who believe in acupuncture for strictly humans and contend that acupuncture doesn't reach to the animal world. Nevertheless, there is also no real and hard evidence in favor of or to the contrary that animal acupuncture should or should not be practiced. Even though there has been less acupuncture practiced on dogs, cats, and other animals, the fact that the alternative therapy is not usually practiced on animals should shed light on the fact that it doesn't work, or at least not too well!
Is Acupuncture Practiced on Pets?
Even though the skeptics of acupuncture don't enjoy the thought of having acupuncture practiced on their beloved pets, it is true that there are some certified acupuncture therapists who will perform an acupuncture therapy on their cats, dogs, and other pets. Just because acupuncture works for humans doesn't mean that it can't work for pets, too. On the other hand, there are also those who do practice acupuncture on humans that also say that acupuncture should not be practiced on animals.
Nevertheless, though, some people believe that the same pressure points that can be found on a human can also be found on a dog or a cat. These dogs and cats are also said to have an energy source, such as the Chi in humans, and that energy source is where cats and dogs derive all their pain from.
The whole idea, though, of practicing acupuncture on cats and dogs have come directly from those who already currently practice the alternative therapy on humans and themselves. In fact, there have been some cases where practicing acupuncture on pets, including dogs and cats, has worked, but there has not been a substantial number of pets that have been healed by acupuncture, at least in the United States.
When considering having your pet treated with acupuncture, though, all one needs to do is consider the many benefits and downsides to doing so. If one truly is an advocate of acupuncture, though, chances are that he or she will trust it for their pets as well!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Drug Info
Drug Info - An Alternative to Prescription Drugs: Acupuncture
There are thousands of individuals who are inflicted with physical and mental ailments and many people are diagnosed with these problems every year. What is troubling, though, is the fact that many times these patients are simply given prescription medications to treat the symptoms that they have as though prescription drugs are the miracle workers of society prancing around giving help to anyone who needs it. However, one method that many people don't give weight to is acupuncture.There are many reasons that even the mention of the alternative therapy of acupuncture may make heads turn, but it seems as though Western society is becoming too dependent as a whole on prescription medications. Everything from Zoloft to Xanax is given to patients in order to treat everything from Major Depression to common viral infections.
However, there needs to be more studies done about the effectiveness of the therapy of acupuncture and how it would eventually be able to help, if not replace, prescription drugs altogether. Just about 10 years ago, though, in 1998, the University of Arizona completed a double-blind study about the effectiveness of acupuncture.
In this study, patients who were suffering from Depression were treated with acupuncture while the other group was subjected to bouts of psychotherapy and prescription medication. In the end of the study by the university, they found that the patients who were inflicted with Depression had most of their symptoms relieved by the therapy of acupuncture. There have been other private studies done since then, however, none large enough that really attracted any authorities in the medical field. But still, the fact that the research at the University of Arizona pointed in the favor of acupuncture, it begs the question of why nothing has been done about it.
Since it has been shown that acupuncture can successfully treat Depression symptoms then there must definitely be more fund money and research that sheds light on the fact and reaches the conclusion that America and Western society must incorporate the therapy of acupuncture more wholly into the treatment of different ailments.
One of the problems with replacing prescription drugs with acupuncture, though, is the fact that prescription drugs are scientifically based. Whereas the effects of prescription drugs can clearly be seen by monitoring the pictures in patient's brain, acupuncture can not be readily studied, therefore, the physiological affects of such a therapy is not readily embraced. But why does Western society and America in general have a fear of the unknown? Perhaps the reason lies that many people consider their wealth to lie in the information and knowledge that they know.
All in all, though, acupuncture has already been proven to be effective by the thousands of people living in America and Western society who care to learn more about the therapy. It is now time to infiltrate the medical field and bombard all the researchers and physicians with accurate pictures of just how it works, and how it can be an effective way to get rid of the need for prescription drugs!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Alternative Therapy
Alternative Therapy - Why the US Needs Acupuncture Therapy
If you have ever thought about the medicine techniques that are currently being used by doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals throughout the United States then you may have come to the conclusion that the medical field in the United States is the best in the world. On the other hand, you may have come to the conclusion that the United States is lacking something in its medical field that other societies are starting to embrace: acupuncture therapy. Acupuncture therapy has real uses in many societies across the world and there are many reasons why the United States also needs to embrace this change for the future.Better Treatments
One reason that the United States needs to embrace acupuncture therapy is that there could be the possibility of better treatments for many different illnesses. Not only better treatments, though, are possible, but the possibility of enhanced treatments with the use of acupuncture is there.
For example, instead of simply treating chronic illnesses, such as arthritis, with medication, using acupuncture in addition to the medication that is given may also be of a great help to the patients who need it. Consider the fact that the Chinese have used acupuncture in their medicine techniques for thousands of years. When one realizes this then he or she should come to the conclusion that there is always the possibility of better and enhanced treatments with acupuncture.
Outside Influence
The United States makes a great big deal over how they are rarely ever influenced, at least culturally, by any other outside groups. On the other hand, having some influence from other outside groups, such as the Chinese wisdom, may be a good thing for America after all. Choosing to embrace acupuncture therapy is something that should not be treated as taboo, but is something that American researchers need to pour more research and money into. After all, if the United States is able to find out exactly why acupuncture works then there is whole new window of opportunity that has opened up for medical professions in the United States.
More Lives are Saved
Taking the Chinese culture and country as an example, there are thousands of people whose lives are saved on a daily basis because of the acupuncture therapy that is allowed to be practiced in the country. This practice of acupuncture is also widespread, and is something that needs to be done in the United States. Considering how many lives could be saved in the United States should enlighten people on the fact that America does need acupuncture therapy.
All in all, acupuncture could be a great revolution to the United States. However, in order for that to occur the whole society in the United States and medical field needs to be open to great change within the country! As already mentioned, there are plenty of benefits that could be experienced by letting other influences in and acupuncture is just one of those benefits!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Accupuncture - Why Acupuncture is a Great Alternative Therapy
Whether you want to believe it or not, there are literally millions of people located all around the world that engage in the practice of the alternative therapy of acupuncture each and every day. There are many reasons to practicing this alternative therapy that the Chinese instituted, too, but the best reason of all is that it actually has been found to work. On the same side of the coin, though, there are many reasons why acupuncture is a great alternative therapy to deal with. Here are some of the arguments for why acupuncture is so great throughout the whole world:The Mystery
One of the reasons that many people consider acupuncture therapy to be such a great and revolutionary therapy is because of the mystery behind the whole concept. Let's face it: the idea that ancient civilizations in the Far East used this type of therapy to be able to cure the sick, help with many different illnesses across the board, and use it as a trade item is just downright weird and mysterious.
Furthermore, why would the civilization who started it all want to take this alternative therapy to other lands, including the United States? There could have been great profits by allowing only the Chinese to experience the benefits of acupuncture, but now everyone throughout the world is able to experience them. Indeed, the mystery behind some of the questions and origins of acupuncture therapy truly contribute to how amazing and great the therapy of acupuncture really is.
The Benefits
This was touched on a little bit, but acupuncture has a great deal of benefits that are able to be clearly seen and researched by those who are intrigued. Some of the common ailments that are able to be treated with acupuncture therapy successfully include the bacterial common cold, influenza, cholera, constipation, diarrhea, Depression, arthritis, ear aches, headaches, hernias, hemorrhages, as well as a whole host of other illnesses, disorders, and other diseases that haven't yet been named. In addition, though many cancers may also be able to be healed through the use of the great acupuncture therapy! But there are also so many diseases and disorders that have yet to be studied whether or not they are truly helped by acupuncture!
Break From Traditional Values
One other reason that many people consider acupuncture to be one of the best alternative medicines is because it is a chance to break free from the traditional values of our culture at least for a little while. While the American culture tends to shun anything new that is also unknown and cannot be studied scientifically, acupuncture therapy definitely cannot and has not been studied scientifically yet. The many benefits of acupuncture have not even been tapped yet since no one knows exactly what goes on in the body!
All in all, though, acupuncture is an awesome therapy that must be practiced in order to be kept throughout the ages. Even though there are plenty of skeptics around, the number of believers in acupuncture continues to grow everyday!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Medicine School
Medicine School - Choosing an Acupuncture School
When trying to decide any educational course for a higher educational goal, there are always important issues that one must take up with the school ever before setting foot in the door. Questions like what the university teaches, what courses and majors are offered, as well as what other types of training are taught in the school setting. The same questions can be said for acupuncture schools, though, as there are many different schools all across the United States and the world that have many different methods of teaching acupuncture courses, as well as methods about how it originated.One important thing to remember when trying to choose a school to learn acupuncture in is where the professors are from and where they started out at. Many professors that teach acupuncture courses in university and college settings may not have the depth required for some people who are generally interested in learning more about the acupuncture method.
For example, one of the reasons that I would choose an acupuncture school is if the professors who are teaching the course actually studied under the Chinese culture and a Chinese teacher who knew all the different facets, ins and outs, as well as the benefits and downsides to the method of acupuncture. For some people the issue of authenticity is truly important and acupuncture schools and professors vary greatly across the board when it comes to this issue.
Another issue that one must look into when trying to decide on an acupuncture school to learn in is the method that is used to teach the acupuncture therapy course. Even though there are plenty of right ways to teach a course about acupuncture, some of the best in the acupuncture educational industry are able to offer once-in-a-lifetime opportunities by having their students actually practice the acupuncture on real, living patients. In addition to this, though, acupuncture simulation can also be taught with the assistance of computer technology, as well as with mannequins that are in the room. As mentioned, there are plenty of ways to teach the course, but hands-on methods are the best for teaching this kind of physical body therapy.
All of the other issues that deal with teaching the course of acupuncture therapy simply pale in comparison when it comes to deciding on these two issues within acupuncture school. The only other characteristic of an acupuncture course that may have to be thought about, though, is where one is actually receiving the certification and learning.
If one is learning acupuncture alongside regular university students then it may not be the absolute best way to learn the therapy. On the other hand, specialized training schools may be the best way to go to learn acupuncture just because of all the possible specializations.
All things considered, though, trying to decide where to learn acupuncture is definitely an important issue that should not be taken lightly. Where one chooses to learn the age-old technique and therapy of acupuncture just may dictate how good he or she performs the therapy. If you choose your school wisely and you will never regret learning acupuncture!